Sunday, August 28, 2016

The Beginning of Our School Year!

First Day Of School!

 Getting to know each other 
on the first day of school.

Quiet reading with Mrs. Allyson

 Exploring classroom games


 Exploring classroom games


Making new friends

 Light Table Discovery

First Day of School Drawings

Magnetic Shape Building


Block Building 

You can do a lot with little cups.

Alone time is always fun when reading and learning about new things.

 Working on cutting skills.

 Our class is full of smiles.

 Washing the "new" animals for our class.

"Mrs. Beth, we got just a little water on the floor." 
 "That's ok, was it fun?"
Drying all the animals.

Water Color Painting


Play Tape Tracks!
Making roads, water, trains and tracks!

 Story time!
 Trying out pattern skills.


Who's in Our Class? 
Students drawing pictures of themselves

 Chalk drawing.
Tracing each other on the big lot.

Where's Waldo? Twins!

Checking out our cutting and gluing skills as we make color collages. 

 Making lunch for friends

Chapel with Mrs. Larson
Learning all about God's House

What Letters Are In Your Name?
Looking at each letter in our names, we worked on our fine motor skills by pinching and pulling stickers to decorate our names.




What's happening on the playground?
Could we be getting some new playground pieces?
We have to check back this week.

Writing Center


     Starting the morning by checking the weight of the bears.

A little gym time!

As the week went on, our friendships grew.

 Model Magic
Creating with air drying clay

Blessings on your week!