Saturday, December 24, 2016

Advent Time Is Here!

Advent is a time for waiting and preparing for our Savior's birth. The past few weeks our class has been practicing and learning about waiting, and that many times it is very hard, but in the end it is worth the wait. During this Advent season we wait for the birth of Jesus, the very first Christmas gift. A gift that God gave to each one of us. A gift that will not break, get old, wear out, be out grown, or be misplaced. A gift that will last a life time. The gift of Jesus, his forgiveness, love and mercy. 

Time with Mr. Jordan
Mr. Jordan is a senior at Whitfield H.S. and CCLS graduate. During their senior year, Whitfield students are required to engage in service hours. Mr. Jordan chose to return to CCLS for his hours. The class loved having him around, helping them with their writing, playing in the gym, eating lunch with them and playing outside. They are eagerly waiting for him to come back for a visit.

Nativity Play
Setting up our replaying of the Christmas story.

Advent Wreaths
During Advent it helps to have something to count the weeks till Christmas. The friends each made their own wreaths to take home and add a candle each week as they prepare for Christmas. During the school day we light the candles at Jesus time learning about each candle. Week 1: Hope, Week: 2 Peace, Week 3: Joy, and Week 4: Love



Excitement in the gym!
Mr. Barry changing light bulbs! 

Alphabet Stamps
Stamper help with both fine motor skills and alphabet letter recognition. 

Christmas Go Fish!
Go Fish is a great game to help with social skills such as learning to take turns, asking questions to others,  the difficult lesson of winning and losing, along with matching skills.

Alphabet Lego
Alphabet Lego are great for hiding words and names in tall towers.

Writing Center!
Working on her letter K!

Journal Time, it is getting cold outside!



Christmas Words
Using word books, the children are able to find words they want to practice writing. Some use the words to make stories while others enjoy spending time writing the word and drawing the picture to go with it.  This activity provides practice for their writing and drawing skills. 

Building Area Fun
Taking turns, playing together, sharing ideas, working out details, and  using your own words are all skills that are being learned and encouraged in the building area. 

December's Magic House Trip

Story time with Mr. Jordan

Chapel with Pastor Geis! Jesus is our LIGHT! He never burns out!

Christmas Slime
Using glue, Borax, water, green coloring and glitter, the class made some fun Christmas Slime, and completed a Chemistry mixing and observation project.


Dramatic Play
Playing out daily life activities.

 Working in our parent Christmas gift. is a secret!

J is for Jesus
Learning all about the candy cane and the many ways it reminds us of Jesus' love for us.

The class also made candy cane ornaments to hang up on their tree at home to remind them of what the candy cane is all about.

Busy time in the writing workshop!

Christmas Paper Chains
Working on patience (waiting for the glue to stick) and fine motor skills (pinching the paper closed) the children made decorations for the classroom and for their homes.

Chapel with Mrs. Metcalf.....Advent is a time for WAITING! 

Watching the Lutheran South Band

A Visit from Mrs. Micki from the Kirkwood Public Library!

Christmas Card Making
Thinking of others, creative thinking, writing skills, and some spelling all go into making Christmas cards.

Magic House Trip # 2



Marble Mazes
Using some engineering skills, the children worked together to make mazes marbled could roll through.

Roll A Reindeer
Counting and drawing go together when you have to roll the dice and count the spots to see what you need to draw to make a reindeer. 

Gym Time!

"Don't Be Afraid!" is what the Angel said! Creating an angel to share the good news.

Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Decorating beautiful trees to hang in the hallway