Monday, April 24, 2017

Easter In Rewind

We started our Holy Week in a Palm Sunday celebration! We waved our palm branches in a parade around school singing, "Hosanna! Hosanna!"

Easter Eggs
Eggs are a sign of new life. The children made tape resist eggs with painters-type and liquid water colors. When the tape was removed, the white shown through. 

Egg Engineering
Using their understanding of building, gravity, plus exploring through trial and error, the class took turns building different egg mazes. They figured out how to get the eggs from one end to the other. 


Math Skills
Their number recognition and counting skills were reinforced as they measured the height of their towers. 

Teamwork was shown in completing a 100 piece puzzle.

Preschool Chapel
Easter week continued with Mrs. Audrey leading our chapel. She reminded us about how the events of Easter took place, starting with Palm Sunday, then onto Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and then with the celebration of Easter Sunday with Jesus rising from the dead.


Sharing God's Love
During this special week our class made a beautiful Easter card for a family who was having some health issues. They each took their time and made beautiful eggs for the card.

Journals for the week included events from Holy Week such as what it looked like on Palm Sunday and what the garden looked like on Easter when Jesus rose from the dead.

Letter Enrichment
One of our centers during the week looked at the beginning sounds of words and pictures. Here they are looking at the pictures, saying the word and finding the letter that matches with the sound of picture. 
For example 👋, hand, hhhh, H. 

Foam Eggs
Students worked on their fine motor skill by peeling the backs off the items and created Easter eggs.  First they found the letters of their name in "Dot Font", then they decorated the rest of the egg with foam stickers. 

Fun in the Spring Sun!


Easter Crosses


Miss Ava our special friend helped us out with our crosses. 

 A visit with Mrs. Mickie from the Kirkwood Public Library.


Engineers Part 2
Building bunny homes was such a hit the week before, they wanted to do it again. This time they turned out even better. Working on their fine motor, trial and error and spatial awareness skills, they engineered some pretty neat homes. They worked with each other to keep the sides of their homes standing, learning that the base is the most important part to keep the building sturdy. Also,using their communication skills, they shared words of encouragement and excitement when a building challenge was conquered.










Final Projects!









Exploring in God's Spring Creation!

 Word Books
Using draw erase boards the children practiced their drawing and writing skills by drawing the picture and working on their letter formation.

Creation Station Fun!

Air Blow Art
The class started their tree projects by using their own "air" to figure out how to move the paint across the paper. Using different angles, they found the easiest way to make the paint travel.




Building highlights for the week!

More highlights of our last two weeks
The children are growing up so much and looking more and more like kindergartners. We are so proud of them.

Setting up the Ninja Warrior Course

Dramatic Play


We made our own iPads!

A sneak peak at our Mother's Day projects. They are so very excited.

Our special visitor on Friday!

Blessings on your week!

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