Sunday, January 22, 2017

Snow much fun!

Team-work: ability to work together with others as part of a team.

We are working as a "team" on developing skills the children will take beyond their early years of life and be continually strengthened and developed throughout their life.

Board Games, Card Games, and team goal activities help the children to learn skills of
 taking turns, 
waiting patiently for their turns, 
verbal communication,
and enjoying time with their friends.

The children here are using a game that is for elementary students with different rules, and making it their own game. 
Using the pieces they are trying to connect as many pieces together while trying to cover the board with all the colors. They are not only working together as a team, but also working on their own to take on the challenge.

 These two are playing Hi-Ho Cherry-O, taking turns spinning to see how many cherries they can take off their tree. 

Winter Murals
The past week, the children have been working hard on their cutting skills and strengthening their finger muscles. They cut out circles and triangles and made their own murals. The use of their imaginations was amazing. Some made only a few snow people, while others made snow people of their whole family. This was a multi-day project among the cutting, laying out of their projects and designing before all the gluing took place. 

This project was not only developing their art skills, but math skills while measuring out space on the paper, processing skills while deciding where things are located on the paper, and thinking ahead skills of what they needed for their project and how to put it together. They all turned out wonderful. A few are still finishing the projects this week due to the snow/ice day. Some are hanging in the hall, while others will be hanging in the room.  

Magic House Village
The children have waited patiently all year for our visit to the Magic House Village. Here they were able to work in their own "town", from the Market, to the Vet Clinic and Pizza Restaurant to the gas station, Library, and bank. The children were able to experience all that you need to work and live in a community.  They were even able to relax and do a little fishing. 

I was so very proud of the children . They cleaned up when they were told, and they didn't have a lot to clean up since they were cleaning up as they explored. 

 We received the most wonderful complement from Mrs. Bridget.  The children were told during our project time they were one of the best classes that have ever been to the Village. The were polite, shared, worked together, used their inside voices and walking feet, and most of all they listened!

Watching the fish float by!

Putting the food away

Fixing the car
Pizza is served!

Future bankers

 Ice Cream anyone?

Students used the computer to check out at the Market by matching the foods they are purchasing.

Working at the baby hospital

Library time

Project Time with Mrs. Bridget, learning about communities.

Working in small groups creating their own communities

Morning Journals
Morning journals are always so much fun to see. They are giving a topic or questions and then draw and "write" about their answer.

Tracing letters working on letter formation

Winter Words
Finding the letters to match and spell the winter words.

Reading while watching the baby eagles on the SmartBoard.

Bugles! Their new favorite snack!

Listening to the Middle School Band

Chapel with Pastor Larson, learning about our Gospel color black. Black is for sin. For the next few weeks we will be learning about the colors of the Gospel model. Your children will be learning about these colors during chapel and during class time. 

Special Snack!
Snowflake Cheetos! Making snowflakes with our snack, wishing for a snow day.

After nap building.
Working together to build a village.

A visit from Mrs. Mickie from the Kirkwood Library. We heard all about winter!


A little quiet time watching the animals play in the snow at the Portland Zoo.

Blessings on your week!

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