Halloween, what a way to start off the week!
First we visited Manor Grove and all the residents. It was wonderful to see the interaction between the children and the residents. They all used wonderful manners.
Morning free-play in costume.
Drawing Time
Journal Drawings
On our way to visit the residents.
Decorating foam pumpkins after trick or treating at Manor Grove.
It was hard to believe on November 1st, the children were wearing shorts.
Practicing letter formation
Working on their October Photo Journals for their portfolios.
Chapel with Mr. Butterfield
We learned about God's mercy for us.
Teamwork building.
Dreaming, brainstorming, coming up with ideas.
Finding all the letters in the ABC's!
Starting work on their "I Am Thankful" Turkeys.
Developing their:
cutting skills,
gluing skills,
project planning development,
and creative thinking!
Candy corn letter formation.
Cup building!
Marble works!
Exploring with foam letters.
STEM Building
Using candy corn, candy pumpkins and spaghetti noodles they explored building and fine motor skills.
"Look I made a scarecrow."
"I'm lifting weights."
Math skills are enriched through estimating and measuring each classmate's height. Next, they put themselves in order from tallest to shortest.
Playing with our snack!
Making skeleton bodies.
Sculpture Building
We learned that a sculpture can either be abstract or of a specific object. Using wood scraps and marker lids, the children developed their own sculpture.
Teamwork, working together toward a goal.
Adding hand cut feathers to their turkeys.
Blessings on your week!
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