Pattern Blocks
Building and exploring with pattern blocks help the children begin their understanding of geometric ideas. We encourage the children to talk about their constructions to get a better understanding of their thinking. This helps teachers enrich their learning.
Some children mirror the imagines by finding the similarities and differences of the shapes. While others use prior knowledge, or experiment with the shapes to see all that they can create.
Here the boys are working together and talking through their building. This project develops their math skills along with their social skills.
What happens if you line them all up in a row?
Creating their own math pattern.
Mirror image building
Understanding systematical building
Exploring how shapes fit together to create something
Writing, Coloring and Drawing
Anytime a child picks up a pencil, crayon, marker or any other type of writing tool, they begin their adventure on a way to communicate.
Coloring helps develop their fine motor skills, stimulates their creative side, introduces color awareness and recognition, helps with spacial awareness and boundaries.
"This is my family!"
Using tracing patterns help the children work on pencil control, following the lines, taking their time and understanding of where things can fit on their papers.
Using our word books/dictionaries help with their practice of letter formation, and word understanding, and experimenting with how letters form words.
What Am I Thankful for?
We created turkeys and practiced our handwriting and letter formation by writing on the the feathers things that we are thankful for.
November Writing Samples
Using Lego to practice their names and other words
Matching letters, enriching letter recognition
Cranberries A Thanksgiving Treat.....Kind of
We took a little time to investigate cranberries. Tasting them wasn't always a hit as you can see by some of the faces. But building with them was! It was a perfect STEM activity for Thanksgiving.
"I can build a house!"
"I made a Ferris Wheel!"
Dramatic Play:
"We are going on an airplane!"
Building a town.
Why Do Turkeys Need Feathers?
Feathers keep them warm and dry.
Feathers keep them warm and dry.
And why do we have feathers in our hands?
To paint with!
We finished up our Turkey hand prints for the moms and dads.
Taking a little time to read with friends
Turkeys, Turkeys, Turkeys,
full of colors and shapes!
Each one designed with love.
Delivering Operation Christmas Child Boxes Thank you for all those who donated.
Playing follow the leader.
Chapel with Pastor Meggers
What are you Thankful for?
CheckerBox Socks, Robots and Pink Dragons!
Dot Paintings
An afternoon game of UNO!
Working on taking turns, number recognition, and understanding about winning and losing.
What if the children were in charge of the Thanksgiving meal?
With Thanksgiving ads, and magazines in their hands they went to work searching for just the right food. There were a lot of desserts and treats. Some included coffee for their parents, or special items for their siblings.