Monday, October 17, 2016

Fall Exploration

Detectives on the Case
At the beginning of the week, our class headed outside with our detective spy glasses to search for fall charges around our school. Who knew that a pipe cleaner spy glass could be so much fun? They discovered all sorts of changes to the trees and the green space.

After we investigated the trees, we created our own trees with various branches and sizes. It was fun to see all they ways their little minds work. 

We also worked on the fine motor skills of gripping the paint brush and pinching tissue paper.  They created glitter glue leaves to decorate the room.

Classroom Jobs:
Some of our classroom jobs help develop social skills like speaking in front of others and leading the class.

Morning Prayer Helper:
Starts our morning with their own prayers and also picks our snack prayer and lunch prayer.

Calendar Helper:
This job helps build confidence when speaking out loud. Students are able to lead the class in finding the day, month, date (number) and year, by asking their friends for this information.

Classroom Reporters:
Our classroom reporters document the day by taking pictures on the iPad. They are learning photography, and we are starting time-lapse pictures of building projects.

Building! Students are always learning new things.



Painting and Socializing
It was pure joy to watch and hear all that is talked about as students use their imaginations to make beautiful paintings. They talk as they paint and share ideas and opinions.  These skills will be helpful as they mature and develop their interpersonal skills. 

Chapel with Pastor Hanke

A class favorite!
Due to the variety of students' schedules, we worked to find a popcorn day that all children could attend.  This reward is for bringing the many items for Uganda!

Writing Center:
The children are becoming more interested in the writing center as the school year progresses. They create their own drawings and ways of inventive spelling to express the meaning of their pictures.

We introduced lower-case alphabet stampers to see if they can recognize the letters in their names and names of other students. 



What can you build with triangles?
Lots of things!
Members of the class want to see how long the shape would be if we connected all off the triangle bits together.

The chain of triangles went under the table.

Next, they got out the measuring tapes to see how long it was by counting on the measuring tape. 

"I made a flower and a bee."

In the end it was 6 measuring tapes long of 3 yards equaling about 18 yards (give or take a few inches). 

We had a visit from Mrs. Mickie of the Kirkwood Library. She read stories about Monsters. (That Monsters are not real, but they are really scared of us.)

"Look, Dr. Kent and Mr. Butterfield are flying to Uganda on our airplanes."

Stretching is an important part of growing our bodies and helping them get stronger.

A little gross motor time in the gym! 
Throwing and catching develop hand and eye coordination.

A little pool noodle floor hockey.

Loving the new playground piece.

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